
3 years ago
3 KB
1 contributor
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npm i @bit/ancert.ancert-ui.primeicons
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npm config set '@bit:registry'
Component Example
React Native
Add dependency... help_outline
any of the 1 million components
and packages in Bit or NPM to the example.
import Button from '@bit/grommet.grommet.button';
import Lodash from 'lodash';
toggle layout


4.1.0 (2020-11-18)

Full Changelog

New Icons:

  • Add “slack” icon #294
  • Add “youtube” icon #288
  • Add “vimeo” icon #276
  • Add “discord” icon #273
  • Add “Sun/Moon/Cloud” icons to represent “Light/Dark/Dim” modes #256
  • Add “map” icon #253
  • Add “paypal” icon #235
  • Add “amazon” icon #234
  • Add “filter-slash” icon #220
  • Add “percentage” icon #209
  • Add “wallet” icon #192
  • Add “chain link” icon #190
  • Add “credit card” icon #187
  • Add “flag” icon #180
  • Add “paper-plane” icon #141
  • Add “shield” icon #99
  • Add “book” icon #97
  • Add “phone” icon #77

Fixed bugs:

  • Rename exclamation-triangle .svg (remove the space in the name) #286

4.0.0 (2020-06-15)

Full Changelog

4.0.0-rc.2 (2020-05-26)

Full Changelog

4.0.0-rc.1 (2020-05-23)

Full Changelog

3.0.0 (2020-05-23)

Full Changelog

3.0.0-rc.1 (2020-05-07)

Full Changelog

New Icons:

  • Fix issues of arrow, chevron and angle icon families #227

2.0.0 (2019-07-25)

Full Changelog

New Icons:

  • Controlling Font Performance with font-display #164
  • Add “apple” icon #125
  • Add “android” icon #124
  • Add “google” icon #123
  • Add “microsoft” icon #122
  • Update PrimeNG documentation to show newer icons #185
  • Add “compass” Icon #184
  • Add “file-excel” icon #181
  • Add “undo” icon #179
  • Add sort type icons #177
  • Add “directions” icon #176
  • Add “edit user” icon #175
  • Add “exclamation circle” icon #174
  • Add “sliders” icon #173
  • Add play, stop, pause, rew, ffw icons #163
  • Add “search-minus” and “search-plus” icons #162
  • Add “file-pdf” icon #161
  • Add “check-square” icon #160
  • Add “ticket” icon #153
  • Refresh icons on readme #150
  • Add “reply” icon #147
  • Add “desktop” icon #144
  • Add “file-o” icon #140
  • Add “chart-line” icon #137
  • Add “thumbs-up & down” icons #116
  • Add “id-card” icon #111
  • Add “palette” icon #83

Fixed bugs:

  • Delete file icon for p-fileupload is missing #121
  • Angular CLI font path unresolved when deployed #169

1.0.0 (2018-10-16)

Full Changelog

New Icons:

  • Add “smartphone” icon #127
  • Add “tablet” icon #126
  • Add “folder” icon #102
  • Add “money” icon #88
  • Add “volume-down” icon #74
  • Add “volume-up” icon #73
  • Add “volume-off” icon #72
  • Add “video” icon #71
  • Add “lock-open” icon #66
  • Add “eject” icon #58
  • Add “briefcase” icon #47
  • Add “floppy-o” icon #33
  • Add “cloud download” icon #25
  • Add “cloud upload” icon #24
  • Add “replay” icon #21
  • Add “window-maximize” icon #16
  • Add “window-minimize” icon #15
  • Add “pencil” icon #7
  • Add a business icons pack #6
  • Add “trash” icon #5
  • Add “cog” icon #3
  • Add “images” icon #133
  • Add “bell” icon #128
  • Add “dollar” icon #119
  • Add “sitemap” icon #115
  • Add “table” icon #114
  • Add “share” icon #112
  • Add “login” icon #110
  • Add “list” icon #107
  • Add “eye” icon #105
  • Add “map-marker” icon #103
  • Add “unlock” icon #87
  • Add “question” icon #85
  • Add “key” icon #80
  • Add “logout” icon #79
  • Add “wifi” icon #75
  • Add “tags” icon #70
  • Add “tag” icon #69
  • Add “shopping-cart” icon #68
  • Add “power-off” icon #67
  • Add “lock” icon #65
  • Add “inbox” icon #64
  • Add “image” icon #63
  • Add “folder-open” icon #62
  • Add “folder” icon #61
  • Add “ellipsis-v” icon #60
  • Add “ellipsis-h” icon #59
  • Add "copy "icon #57
  • Add “comments” icon #56
  • Add “comment” icon #55
  • Add “clone” icon #53
  • Add “chart-bar” icon #52
  • Add “calendar-times” icon #51
  • Add “calendar-minus” icon #50
  • Add “calendar-plus” icon #49
  • Add “camera” icon #48
  • Add “document” icon #45
  • Add “filter” icon #40
  • Add “bookmark” icon #39
  • Add “align-right” icon #38
  • Add “align-left” icon #37
  • Add “align-center” icon #36
  • Add “align-justify” icon #35
  • Add “question-circle” icon #32
  • Add “globe” icon #28
  • Add “save” icon #26
  • Add “print” icon #22
  • Add “visibility off” Icon #20
  • Add “envelope” icon #19
  • Add “clock” icon #17
  • Add “user remove” icon #13
  • Add “user add” icon #12
  • Add “paperclip” icon #9
  • Add “users” icon #8
  • Add “external-link” icon #4
  • Add “user” icon #2
  • Add “refresh” icon #1

Fixed bugs:

  • Shows square instead of icons #46
  • pi-minus and pi-minus-circle do not correspont #23
  • Demo is Not working on chrome & firefox (not tested on rest of browsers) #10
  • Fix readonly values of old icons #54
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