Cookies Policy

Last reviewed on: October 25, 2022

  1. Intoroduction

    This Cookie Policy describes how CoCycles Ltd., and its subsidiaries (collectively: "CoCycles") uses cookies. By using our website, located at,, or any other website owned or operated by us (collectively: the "Website"), you agree to the use of cookies as described below.

  2. Cookies

    • What are Cookies?

      • Cookies are small data files downloaded and stored on your device while browsing a website, often used to keep record of actions taken on such website or track related browsing activity.

      • For additional information regarding Cookies and the way to control them, please check out the Help file of your browser or visit

    • Cookie opt-out

      While we do not change our practices in response to a “Do Not Track” signal in the HTTP header from a browser, most browsers allow you to control cookies, including whether or not to accept them and to remove them. You may set most browsers to notify you if you receive a Cookie, or you may choose to block Cookies with your browser.

      You may elect to opt-out from enabling Cookies: (a) in the browser’s settings tools, usually by choosing between several options offered by the browser (some browsers (for example, Google Chrome®) allow blocking Cookies from a specific website, and respectively you may choose to block applicable Cookies); or (b) by following the applicable instructions of the popup message requesting your consent of CoCycles's use of such Cookies at your new browsing session of the Website.

  3. Details

    Cocycles uses services provided by other Service Providers in order to provide you with the Services. Some of those services may collect data about you independently, for their own purposes. A list of the sub-processors enabling the use of Cookies regarding our Website is described below:

    Name of Sub-processorDescriptionPrivacy Policy
    Google AnalyticsAnalytics and performance
    Google Tag ManagerManaging subprocessor integrations
    Google OptimizeManaging A/B tests
    BlueSnapCollect and use payment card payment data
    GravatarHosting user avatar pictures
    Mailgun  Transactional mail services provider
    MailChimpNewsletter management services
    HubSpotCostumer support ticketing services
    CrazyeggAnalytics and performance
    MixpanelAnalytics and performance
  4. General

    We may change this Cookie Policy from time to time. Please take a look at the "Last Updated" legend at the top of this page to see when this Cookie Policy was last revised.

    This Cookie Policy is deemed as an integral part of our Privacy Notice.

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